Friday, May 16, 2014

Sparkly Green Nails

This is the first mani I posted to Reddit.  It's not perfect, but it's one of the best I've done.  I wish the photo could show the full richness of the color.

First, the materials used:

  • Base coat: OPI base coat
  • Color: Wild Cactus by Color Club
  • Sparkle: Green Ocean by Sinful Colors
  • Top coat: Seche Vite
Everything went on pretty smoothly.  I did only one coat of Wild Cactus and it was almost enough if I wasn't going to put the sparkle over it.  You couldn't see the slightly thinner areas once the glitter went on.  I felt that one coat of Green Ocean wasn't enough, so I did a second one, then immediately applied the Seche Vite and wrapped the tips.  The Green Ocean gave it more texture than I wanted, so I quickly did a second coat of Seche Vite. 

Green Ocean is not just a glitter.  It has thin unevenly cut pieces of what appears to be an iridescent cellophane-like material.  The effect is somewhat opal-like.  The polish itself is not entirely clear, but has a green tint to it, so whatever you put it over will take on that green tint.

This is the first time I've done two coats of Seche Vite.  This photo is three days in.  Now, at five days, it's still looking great.  My nails feel very strong.  I have zero chipping, which completely amazes me.  Usually I have chipping by day three.  I can't see any cracking, either.

My one complaint about this mani is that I didn't quite clean up right around my cuticles, so the edge isn't as smooth as I wanted.  I picked up a new angled brush to use with acetone, so hopefully that will be fixed for future manicures.

Why hello there!

This is where I'm going to document my adventures in manicuring.  I don't know terribly much about what I'm doing, so don't take this as advice so much as cautionary tales. ;)